For this part, find a job ad for an entry- or mid-management level position that you may be targeting in a few months/years or upon graduation.

For this part, find a job ad for an entry- or mid-management level position that you may be targeting in a few months/years or upon graduation.

For this part, find a job ad for an entry- or mid-management level position that you may be targeting in a few months/years or upon graduation. You can find such jobs by browsing publicly available job sites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, Monster, CareerBuilder, etc. Choose a job ad for which you may be qualified to apply soon and create your 1-page resume in response to that ad. Pay special attention to the key words (esp. referring to the required and preferred skills in the job ad) to see how well your experience, skills, and qualification match up against the desired candidate. Next, craft a cover letter to go with the resume.a) Job ad (screenshot or scanned copy as a JPEG or PDF), b) resume, c) cover letter.

Here is the job ad I have chosen.,+CA&tk=1g7da5m66h1he800&from=web&advn=4830193538422961&adid=384350721&ad=-6NYlbfkN0BXs5gnVNUHVwuXqlQcOCIzB7p7zpfPEbupPcqTy8Crm9iiaZ9Lh_15ZA3OfivRzIeTpTsN6RvkHUQH8PvOH6Xv5WErAk1FwhIluOwxvd8xX4EsEeP6RBvZi3DgXOuZ3zKAyIZ5Y92CcIrAJdmHyowTYIGTPDbRVf4Q82fK5tKZu9DX_o8x1GsnC_0gkFTxn1StsW2wD6U_cLZ4lBeKWfiZG6MqGIlg0Ep9DG4aCXEumVRP1KpvNT-JHBUy9qJe2k6IqIWem1mzpFzIwAIVcmYIqZWJDuH8EOHVek724QT-rNoNLd681mPJ1CN0nc_0se-2EelidpELJG9joogwoopPTqWj6VKIBkQoZw4j-pvhwol3uTqfEa8RkjaA9ggjlcw%3D&pub=4a1b367933fd867b19b072952f68dceb&vjs=3


As far as the resume goes, for the experience, please add any firm accounting related (as this is make believe). All of the requirements are below for both resume and cover letter.

Here is a checklist/rubric for your resume review:

  1. One page
  2. Aligned text
  3. Readable font size
  4. Consistent font size/font formatting
  5. Consistent margins (1”)
  6. Clear organization (circle one: chronological or skills-based)
  7. Correct spelling
  8. Accurate headings
  9. Contact information
  10. Education

iii. Experience

  1. Activities
  2. Skills
  3. References
  4. Action verbs
  5. Verb tense corresponds to time
  6. Variety of verbs
  7. No personal pronouns (“I,” “me,” or “my”)
  8. Empirical, results-oriented numbers
  9. DESIGN: aesthetically appealing


Standard format and layout; appropriately responsive to the job ad; effective organization (appropriate opening, middle, and closing); polished, formal language.

Requirements: 2 pages   |   .doc file

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mid-management level positionapa 597 words

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