For this posting, you will analyze your favorite (or least favorite) play or movie.
For this posting, you will analyze your favorite (or least favorite) play or movie.
For this posting, you will analyze your favorite (or least favorite) play or movie. You will need to identify the following items and parts of the dramatic structure, at a minimum.
1. Two examples of Expositional information
2. The Inciting Incident
3. The Climax
4. Denoument, and any questions that were not answered
5. The Protagonist and Antagonist
6. The purpose for this play or film (look at “The Big E’s”)
Here’s the sticky part – Once someone has selected a play or film, it can no longer be utilized by anyone else. So once Wicked, or Frozen, or American Idiot, or Midsummer Night’s Dream, or Black Panther, or Prisoner of Azkaban has been used, that is it for those stories.
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