France and Weikel discussed the importance of empathy, warmth, and genuineness in order to establish a therapeutic alliance with clients in the human services field (Chapter 3).

France and Weikel discussed the importance of empathy, warmth, and genuineness in order to establish a therapeutic alliance with clients in the human services field (Chapter 3).

France and Weikel discussed the importance of empathy, warmth, and genuineness in order to establish a therapeutic alliance with clients in the human services field (Chapter 3). Analyze and elaborate on each of these three concepts, drawing on additional course materials, including Petersen (Chapters 19-21). You may also find the principles and skills discussed in the Module 1 video and Module 6 presentation helpful. Reflect on your own therapeutic communication skills.

Requirements: 900 WORDS



The content should be engaging, substantive, and interesting. It should be written in a focused and concise manner and be well organized with a logic progression of ideas and transitions that are clear and maintain flow of thought. A title page is expected, but an abstract is not needed. Repeat the paper title on page 2 according to APA format, but do not use any subheadings. Use APA style for both in-text citations and the reference page, while making sure references correspond and are correct.





France, K., & Weikel, K. (2014). Helping skills for human service workers: Building

relationships and encouraging productive change. (3rd ed.). Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL.

France, K., & Weikel, K. (2014). Helping skills for human service workers: Building

relationships and encouraging productive change. (3rd ed.). Charles C. Thomas: Springfield, IL

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