Freedom and Subjugation after Civil War

Freedom and Subjugation after Civil War


hallo there, I have an analytical paper that asks to analyze how freedom was defined for freedpoeple and native Americans in the era after the civil war – the reconstitution of Southern life during reconstruction and the growing system of white supremacy and the colonial logics of late nineteenth century “conquest of the west.” you have to write 1000 word answering the foll question: what did freedom mean for African American and Native American in this period and how was it defined in relation to attempts at their subordination or subjugation ? you must use three quotes from the sources that I will attach. the quotes should support your argument, providing evidence for the claim you are making . you should use parenthetical citation. I have another source that you must use in my chegg account the book called voices of freedom

great and do you have the third source or should I give you my chegg account ?
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Introduction. The Reconstruction is considered by historians as one of the most complex political periods in the United States due to a series of challenges and questions that it raised concerning the recognition and role of ethnic minorities in the development and growth of the new federation. Aside from the need to resolve the thorny issue of American citizenship for the freed slaves, concerns were raised regarding the rights that they would enjoy, especially those related with their labor since slavery was abolished. Similarly, the integration of Native Americans in the South that fought for the Confederate states and the Union Army raised concern among the stakeholders when consideration was given to the procedure for returning their citizenship to them. According to Eric Foner, equal civil rights, the vote, and ownership of property were elements of the citizenship that the white majority from the South and North considered during the various processes for deciding the rights of the people that interpreted freedom through their experiences of the activities in a free society. Freedom and subjugation or subordination were concepts that were used to define the integration of African-Americans and Native Americans after the civil war despite efforts by the minorities to use their understanding liberty and freedom to achieve political and economic advancements…………….

APA 1137 words
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