Growth and development 11

Growth and development 11

Growth and Development 11

What are the current issues facing politicians concerning Medicare and Medicaid. What is Medicare and Medicaid?

2) How do you know if you can retire. What are the considerations that would prompt that decision? Can you still work even if you are receiving Social Security.

3 What is Social Security and does it provide enough money for retirement?

4) There is a suggestion that businesses/government workers should move to a 401(k) to replace Social Security. What is a 401(k) and why is this a good or negative idea?

5) What is the difference between an assisted/independent living facility and a nursing home. What are the costs associated with both

6) What type of retirement plan do you have? If you don’t what are your options



Answer preview

Medicare is a federal government owned and controlled initiative that covers patients aged over 65 years or those with severe disability cases. Medicaid, unlike Medicare is owned by both the federal government and state government. It covers the low income earners. Both programs were created in 1965. The main targeted group was older and low income earners who are not able to afford private healthcare arrangements. One can be eligible to both Medicare and Medicaid at the same time, a situation referred to as dual eligibility (Olfson, M., Blanco, C., Wang, S., Laje, G., & Correll, C. U, 2014)………………….

Word count :692 Words


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