healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Consider the evolution of healthcare in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Investigate new proposals or policy implementations that have impacted this evolution, as well as current healthcare access and efficiency issues in the Kingdom.

Write a paper that addresses the following:

  • Introduction
  • History and evolution of Saudi Arabian healthcare, including the growth of the healthcare system
  • Policy and/or proposed rulings effecting the healthcare system
  • Impact of population growth on current Saudi Arabian healthcare access and efficiency
  • Conclusion


  • Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. and an APA style
  • You must include a minimum of four credible sources for support.
  • 2 Attachments
    Preview of the Answer.
    Citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia receive free health care services from over 2000 primary health care providers and 420 hospitals. These institutions are spread across the nation, thereby allowing residents to visit them anytime they need medical services. Despite these services being free, most Saudis do not utilize them. For instance, very few women get screened for breast cancer. This aspect has led to the Saudi government through its ministry of health spending enormous resources to prevent diseases and enhance public health. The government’s major focus has been preventing the spread of communicable .
    1281 Words


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