How could what college students post online now effect their ability to get into graduate school or professional school in the future or get a job?

How could what college students post online now effect their ability to get into graduate school or professional school in the future or get a job?

Share your responses with your peers:

  1. If you have a Facebook account, what emotional effects does posting and reading posts have on you?
  2. How could what college students post online now effect their ability to get into graduate school or professional school in the future or get a job?

Provide statistics, opinions of experts, and personal examples. Prove that you are right.

Write a pazragraph (180-200 words). Respond to one or two posts to receive a full grade.

Requirements: Discussion   |   .doc file



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Grossmont College

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12.1 Debate. Social Networking.

it has to 180 to 200 words discussion and you reply to one of the studends

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college studentsapa 157 words

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