How do Europeans depict Native peoples in Figures 2.1 and 2.3? What characteristics do Europeans attribute to Indians?

How do Europeans depict Native peoples in Figures 2.1 and 2.3? What characteristics do Europeans attribute to Indians?

1- Please go to the textbook for the course and read the “Picture Essay” for Chapter 2, pp. 118-122.

2- Consider the following question: How do Europeans depict Native peoples in Figures 2.1 and 2.3? What characteristics do Europeans attribute to Indians? How do Native people portray Europeans in Figures 2.2., 2.4, and 2.5? What can we learn from these images? Take your time. Look at the images closely.

3- Please create a thread in this forum and post your reply to these questions above by Sunday night. Your post should be 1-2 paragraphs long.

4- Then, please read the replies of your classmates and respond to one of your classmates with a meaningful reply that furthers the discussion. You might tell your classmates what you learned from their posts. Or you might choose one person who you agree with and explain whey you agree with them. Or you could choose a classmate and ask for clarification on some important points.

  • If you do not have the book yet, please use the copy of the “Picture Essay” provided: First Peoples_PictureEssay_Ch2.pdf
  • Please understand that this is the last time I can do this because of copyright rules. Please get access to the book🙂 -Signed, Your Ever Supportive, Prof Jesse

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What characteristics do Europeans attribute to Indians?apa 324 words

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