How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children (2008) by Dr. Gerald Newmark
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children (2008) by Dr. Gerald Newmark
Details: Book Report: written and oral comments made in a group discussion
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children (2008) by Dr. Gerald Newmark
This is an educational opportunity to gain new information and take time to reflect on the topic of emotional health and how parents and caregivers may agree or disagree on this topic.
• Read the book and write a 4 page impact paper on how your 5 needs were met by the adults/teachers (2 paragraphs on each need one on needs met and one on not met ).
• Do not give a summary of the book.
• Identify two (2) new ideas or pieces of information gleaned from the book and website. What plans do you have to use this book in your personal life or career?
• How does the new information change the way you interact with parents, children and other staff?
Paper Format:
Introduction – short background information about your growing up years and family structure
Body – how your needs were met and by whom
Two paragraphs for each of the five needs met and not met
Conclusion – summary – how do you plan on becoming a student of your own
Rubric for Book Report
Points earned Possible
10 The report has a solid, typewritten answer for each of the five needs being met in childhood question. The summary is type-written, single-spaced, Arial, 12-point font and at least two + pages in length. Paragraphs are used. There are no grammatical or mechanical mistakes in the paper.
10 The summary includes a review of the Children’s Project website and resources available. Identify 2 strategies or ideas you will be implementing personally or on your job.
20 The student’s thoughts in the essay show both knowledge of the book, needs and insights gleaned from the exercise as a whole. It must be clear that the chapters were read, actual discussion with adults occurred, and reflection on both those elements entered in the final essay.
Subject: Child Development
Format: APA
Spacing: double spaced
Number of pages: 4
Number of sources: 0
Powerpoint Slides: 0
Deadline: 05/30/2021
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