How would LouAnn’s growing up experience have been different if she was not the eldest child?

How would LouAnn’s growing up experience have been different if she was not the eldest child?

I’m working on a Communications question and need guidance to help me study.

You need to read the book and answer 4 questions , “A Loss for Words” by Lou Ann Walker, which describes her experiences growing up as a hearing child of deaf parents.

Answer each question clearly and concisely. For each question, cite 2 specific examples from the text to support your answer. Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs, single spaced and spell-checked.

1. What do you think Lou Ann’s view was of her responsibilities to her family?

2. How would LouAnn’s growing up experience have been different if she was not the eldest child?

3. Why did LouAnn become an ASL interpreter and write about the Deaf?

4. In the scene where LouAnn’s grandfather tries to tell her mother he loves her and her mother doesn’t understand, what conclusions might you draw about relationships between Deaf and normally hearing people?

the following conditions must be met:

I. The answer directly addresses the question

II. The answer demonstrated the students’ ability to understand the perspective of the author

III. The answer used specific examples.

IV. The answer was complete and concise.

V. There were no grammatical or typographical errors.

Requirements: Other | 2 pages, Single spaced

So u need to find the book then read it “A Loss for Words” by Lou Ann Walkerb

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