How would you lead an organizational culture change without destroying it and those followers? 

How would you lead an organizational culture change without destroying it and those followers?

Please answer all 3 question.  Please use 2 references within 5 years for the 2 question.
Discussion question 1
         Organizational culture is a significant part of any business and “cannot exist solely within a single person, nor is it simply the average of individual characteristics. It resides in shared behaviors, values, and assumptions and is most commonly experienced through the norms and expectations of a group – that is, the unwritten rules” (Groysberg et al., 2018). Organizational culture can be a positive aspect of the business that helps promote growth and other positive trends for the business. However, organizational culture can also be detrimental to a business, where the culture undermines anything that the business tries to do.

Organizational culture sometimes must change to support growth or to help push the organization in another direction. The organizational culture could be adorned by the organization members. As a leader looking to change the organization’s culture without completely destroying the business or its employees, this is a tremendous task. To successfully lead the change, the leader will have to posse multiple different leadership skills. First, being a transformational leader, “transformational leaders engage their employees while encouraging them to develop a sense of self-concept and self-advocacy. They help them identify with a group or a unit and facilitate alignment of organization goals and values. Successful transformational leaders admonish employees to obtain knowledge that will help them perform above expectations” (Martin, 2012). The leader must also be charismatic. Charismatic leader “uses the force of personal abilities and talents to have profound and extraordinary effects on followers” (Nelson et al., 2019). By combining the skills of being a transformational charismatic leader, the leader can begin the process of changing organizational culture without destroying the complete culture of the business or disengaging the employees.

Discussion question 2

 What is Leadership? 

Leadership within an organization is the process of guiding and directing people’s behavior in

the work environment ( Nelson and Quick, 2019). There are two types of Leadership, and they are formal and informal. According to the text, Leadership remains one of the least understood social processes in organizations ( Nelson and Quick, 2019). According to John Kotter, Leadership is the process that involves setting a direction for the organization, aligning people with that direction through communication and motivating people to action, partly through empowerment and partly through essential need gratification ( Nelson and Quick, 2019).

How would you lead an organizational culture change without destroying it

and those followers? 

I would lead an organization to its cultural differences without destroying them by identifying

each first’s desired values and behaviors, secondly, by connecting culture, accountability, and having visible advocates ( Foltz, 2016). These things being put into place early will allow me to lead my team by having patience and investing my efforts promptly. Understanding the organization and history is vital in making a change that will not destroy the organization. This typically includes things such as the company’s mission and vision statements. An organization’s Leadership affects it more than people can envision, from the employees’ confidence levels to the direction the company may be heading.

When leading an organization, that is one thing to ensure you are sticking by; pulling up statics of how the organization operated in the past will allow you to see how they did overall as a company by following the mission and vision statement. Extrinsic motivation is commonly used to entice employees (Turner, 2017). Undertaking this can also ensure your team trusts you and recognize that what they do is valued. Understanding the upper-level role you are in allows you to fulfill your job as a great leader fully. Thus all of these things can help the company remain strong and additional followers under my charge.
Reply to professor question
Nakia – Thank you for your contribution to the forum. In many organizations people have grown so used to ‘the way things are’ that they will fight anything new, even if it’s better, just to keep what’s familiar. As a change agent leading an organizational cultural change initiative, how would you overcome such complacency?

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