HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION! Should it be allowed? Why or Why not? and support your stance accordingly.

HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION! Should it be allowed? Why or Why not? and support your stance accordingly.

HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION! Should it be allowed? Why or Why not? and support your stance accordingly.

This is a position presentation. I will need around 4 paragraphs supporting or against the HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION. I must support my stance with facts, examples, and evidences, not with personal opinions. Also the major points need to be posted in a Power Point presentation supported with images that explain my rational.

  • You may not be personally in support or opposition of the topic, however it is your job to convince your peers of your position. Include evidence that supports the viewpoint.
    • Include an introduction to the issue, your stance, the rationale for the stance, the ethical principals involved, theories and evidence supporting your position, and your proposed resolution.
    • Get creative! Be succinct but convincing.
    • When you provide your discussion stance and then debate- please clearly point out.

Requirements: 4 paragraphs


Is a 4 paragraphs explanation and a Powerpoint based on the explanation to present

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