human service ethics

human service ethics

M3 Discussion 2: The Helping Relationship

The relationship that is developed between a counselor and client in a clinical setting is both unique and complex. A delicate balance must be achieved between the roles of each, and maintaining this balance takes time, effort, and skill.


For this discussion, we will look at some elements of the helping relationship. Develop a main response in which you:

  • Compare and contrast the concepts of confidentiality, privileged communication, and privacy, and explain how they can be interrelated.
  • Discuss some steps that therapists can take to protect the public and minimize their own liability when dealing with dangerous clients.
  • Reflect on the view that multiple relationships in a counseling setting are inevitable, and not always negative. Do you agree? Why or why not?
  • Explain some potential problems with situations in which personal and professional relationships blend together. Is it always a guarantee that social relationships will interfere with therapeutic relationships?



ethics  human services book Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions

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Privacy refers to the freedom of an individual from intrusion into one’s personal matters and personal information while confidentiality is considered an ethical duty where one is required to keep important information secret until the person to whom the information belongs grants permission of disclosing. Privileged communication, on the other hand, is information that can only be disclosed for a special and specific relationship. Privileged…………………….

APA 535 words

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