Immigration Liberation

Immigration Liberation

See this presentation and read the pdfs below:

Write a response (at least 200 words) that engages the readings to respond to one or both of these questions:

  • How do these readings illustrate how the border is experienced by different groups?
  • How does the border serve as a symbol in larger debates about citizenship, belonging, and the nation?
Answer preview………….

Usually, people migrate to other nations in search of employment. The United States has been a center of attraction of many immigrates, especially those from Mexico (Ibarra, 2003). However, due to lack of proper immigration documents they have to pass through the less guarded places such as mountains and desert risking their lives from wild animals and the police officers guarding the boundaries. Most of the Mexican immigrates are women who leave their families behind and move to the United States cities to look for domestic work (Ibarra, 2003). They face the danger of having to cross through places divided socially and culturally as well as in international political borders where they can be arrested and charged for lack of migration documents………..

APA 308 words

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