The Impact of Taxing Net Capital Gain with Special Rates.

The Impact of Taxing Net Capital Gain with Special Rates.

Instructions: Must be a 250 words response; 1-2 references

Net capital gains are taxed at special rates (see the table as a reference). How may these rates influence the behavior or tax planning of individuals who may have capital assets to sell?

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Capital gain tax is a form of tax incurred after the sale of a non-inventory asset whose cost is lower than its value. Nonetheless, it remains imperative to note that taxation has a direct impact on consumer behavior especially with regards to how they spend and save. Additionally, the alteration of the tax on capital gains affects whether sellers will dispose of their assets or not. Therefore, the scope of this paper remains with regards to the power of using special taxation tariffs on both consumer and seller………..

APA 345 words

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