In your opinion should local, state, and federal disaster management agencies develop different response plans for bio-terrorist emergencies and natural and other types of emergencies?

In your opinion should local, state, and federal disaster management agencies develop different response plans for bio-terrorist emergencies and natural and other types of emergencies?


A substantive comment should be approximately 350 words or more.

Cite (2 or MORE) sources within your comment to support your statements.

Include at least a couple of references, properly formatted, not just a link.




Module 1

Discussion: Bio-Terrorist and Other Emergency Responses

Few people in emergency management will disagree that an immediate response to a bio-terrorism emergency is appropriate; however, very few people agree as to what is an acceptable and a timely response.

An immediate problem that arises with bio-terrorism responses is that it may take several days after the event has been activated before anyone realizes that they have been exposed and involved in such an incident.

In your opinion should local, state, and federal disaster management agencies develop different response plans for bio-terrorist emergencies and natural and other types of emergencies?

Remember to support your position with quotations.


Module 1 – Background



Eshghi K, and Larson, E. (2008). Disasters: Lessons from the past 105 years, Disaster Prevention and Management. 17(1), 62. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Puget Sound regional catastrophic disaster coordination plan (2013). Retrieved from [sample coordination plan].

State of Maryland response operations plan (2015). [Sample of a state’s operations plan].


Disaster Information Management Research Center.

Emergency Response Plan,

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System:

Homeland Security Presidential Directives:

National Response Framework (NRF). Department of Homeland Security.


2009 Global asse-ssment report on disaster risk reduction (2009). United Nations. Retrieved from

Requirements: Instructions are provided above.

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different response plans for bio-terrorist emergenciesapa 418 words

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