Introduction to Theology – Reflection Paper

Introduction to Theology – Reflection Paper

Write a reflection paper (at least 4 pages)

Please see the attached 6 syllabus addendum for the whole semester to know what subjects we have studied during the semester, then write at least four pages reflection paper based on these subjects as well as the instructions from the Reflection paper assignment sheet

Note: Please note that I am an international student here in the US, and I have no idea about Catholic religion as my religion is Islambut I have studied this course (Introduction to Theology) as a part of my study plan of degree. So please take that in consideration when you write the reflection paper as this course give me a lot of idea and knowledge about catholic as well as expand my knowledge about other religions than my religion.

Here is the outline for the entire course :

Unit One: The Foundations of Belief.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Human Capacity for God
  3. Faith and Doubt .
  4. The Nature and Transmission of Revelation
  5. Sacred Scripture
  6. Faith and Reason
  7. Arguments for the Existence of God.

Unit Two: Exploring Salvation History (the Old Testament)

1. Doctrine of the Triune God

2. Creation of Heaven and Earth

3. Creation of Man and Woman in the Image of God

4. The Fall and the Problem of Sin and Evil

5. Ramifications of the Fall

6. Covenant with Abraham

7. Passover and Exodus

8. Sinai Covenant

9. Covenant with David; Rise and Fall of the Kingdom

10. The Exile

Unit Three: Jesus Christ and the New


1. Nature of a Gospel

2. Infancy Narratives

3. Jesus’ Baptism and Temptation

4. Sermon on the Mount

5. Miracles and Sending of the Disciples

6. Ministry m Jerusalem

7. Suffering and Death

8. Resurrection and Ascension

9. The Holy Spirit and Pentecost.

Unit Four: Features of Catholic Christianity

  1. The Church’s Plan, Origin, Foundation, and Mission
  2. The Four Marks of the Church
  3. Liturgy as the Work of the Trinity and the Church
  4. General Sacramental Theology
  5. Baptism
  6. Eucharist
  7. Confirmation
  8. Penance and General Moral Theology
  9. The Last Things/Eschatology
  10. The Life, Message, Mission, and Influence of St. Francis.

Answer preview…………..

During the starting of the semester, I had minimal knowledge and idea about the concepts involved in theology together with what it concerns about Christianity. This is because I am an international student in the USA and I also practice Islam as my religion. Throughout the weeks I have gained knowledge about different concepts and study about Christianity in a whole especially more about the Catholic faith. I have been able to obtain and learn valuable, useful, and solid principles which I did not pay attention to them earlier let alone considering their importance of applying them in my daily life. Currently, I have been able to gain a deeper understanding of what the term human beings were created in God’s image implies, a deeper understanding of sin and the destructions that causes sin. I have also gained a deeper understanding of repentance, the Holy Spirit, faith, dependence on God, salvation and much more about Christian religion and Catholic in general…………..

APA 1343 words

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