Inventory Management for Zara

Inventory Management for Zara

Please review and assess how inventory is currently managed at this company (ZARA).

Please consider new inventory management technologies for this company. Please choose from attached picture for Technologies & Trends.

500 words

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Zara was launched in the year 1975 and has grown over time to the rank of being the third largest retailer for clothes. The company has two major manufacturing plants in Spain. It is present in 34 countries and has more than 1160 stores. The success of Zara has been greatly promoted by the business model adopted by the company. The model of business adopted by the company pursues three primary goals. The first goal is to increase the available styles to improve the customer’s choices. The second goal is to control the inventory the company produces as a way of minimizing inventory-related risks and thirdly, develop a system which requires short lead times. This model enables the company to offer new styles of clothes within a short period. The company sells an average of 450 million items in a year, and the unsold items go below 10% (IMPINJ (2010)….

 APA 566 words

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