Journal Article Abstract:  Blue Ocean Strategy

Journal Article Abstract:  Blue Ocean Strategy

Journal Article Abstract:  Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim & Mauborgne, 2004)

Students must prepare written abstract of the article. Abstract should include: (1) Identify any new terms or concepts that were brought forth in the article and write a brief definition of each term or concept; (2) Identify at least four important facts; (3) What is the rationale, justification and importance of the material that was presented; (4) What specific examples, concepts or tools from the article will help you lead your organization; (5) How can you incorporate the information from the article into your role as a future entrepreneur; (6) What is the overall impact of the article. The abstract should be between 2-3 pages.

Grading Rubric: 

Grading of the abstracts will be as follows:

V+ = 95 – student shows robust grasp of the theories/frameworks and their application to entrepreneurship. Shows outstanding effort at summarizing main points and articulating impact.

V = 85 – student shows above average understanding of theories/frameworks and their application to entrepreneurship. Shows adequate attempt at summarizing main points.

V- = 75 – student shows average understanding of theories/frameworks and their application to entrepreneurship. Lacks understanding depth of content.

V– = 65 – student shows below average understanding of theories/frameworks and their application to entrepreneurship. Not acceptable for graduate level work.

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