Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar


Reading Response #: Title of Reading Response (bolded) 1

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Answer Preview………………………

From the two texts, it is evident that Plutarch’s descriptions of Caesar are more heroic than the Caesar’s accounts. These differences are brought about by the fact that Caesar’s accounts are based on his experiences, thus contain the challenges his troops faced while fighting the Gauls. For instance, a few of his men fell when they engaged in fighting against the Helvetii on unfavorable grounds giving his enemies a bolder stand. Accordingly, Caesar opted to keep his troops from engaging in combat despite being provoked. His decision was to engage them in favorable conditions to avoid devastation and forage. These aspects show that Caesar was not as mighty as people believed as there were environments he could have lost fights. However, this is not the case in Plutarch’s accounts as he pays attention to the military achievements of Julius Caesar. For instance, he says that Caesar was the first man in history to cross the Rhine for war and ravaged the country with fire and encouraged Rome’s constant friends. Also, Plutarch says that Caesar’s expeditions against the Britanni are viewed to be heroic as he was also the first man to launch a fleet across the western ocean and sail on the Atlantic Ocean with an army to fight. Thus, Plutarch’s descriptions of Caesar are more heroic than his own. This is because the authors’ perspectives on Julius Caesar are based on their opinions and experiences of his military combats……………………

APA 350 words

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