legal issue faced by the student in their workplace

Focusing on Documentation as a Way of Controlling Physician’s Malpractice

Research paper/project paper.


You will choose a “Topic” for approval by instructor. Instead of the instructor choosing the topic, you are encouraged to explore the course content for an area of law, social responsibility or ethics in which they have a particular interest.

The topic can be actual i.e. relate to a real legal issue faced by the student in their workplace, or by students employer. For example, “Patient autonomy and the public interest regarding medical procedures and treatment”. The topic may also be actual as it relates to broader legal issues as it relates to health care administration in general. For example, “Malpractice reform and its effect on health care delivery”

The paper may also be traditional for example, “Privacy issues in patient record keeping “ What I am trying to convey in a broad sense is that a creative approach is encouraged. If the student is allowed to pick the topic, he or she is naturally more interested in it; as opposed to a topic that may interest the instructor but no one else.



– A higher degree of interest =more enthusiasm =excellent work product.

– I will review the topic proposals and provide assistance regarding direction, resources, and materials that relate to the topic chosen.

– The paper will be a maximum of ten pages in length (excluding bibliography and cover page).

– The paper must comport to APA style.


** You have to chose 4 topics that related to the health care law “in 24 hours” and send them to me to get the approval.


Thank you!


Subject:  Masters Law


Please, note that you have to chose 4 topics that related to the health care law “in 24 hours” and send them to me to get the approval on the topic that you provided!!

17 hours ago


Have you chosen the 4 topics?



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