Lois Bloom and J. Dore on Language Development

Lois Bloom and J. Dore on Language Development


Lois Bloom theorized that language development should be looked at through a semantic filter. J. Dore used a pragmatic filter. Compare and contrast their theories with the other semantic/pragmatic theories discussed in your text. (How did each believe that language development happened, how did they describe the stages or components of the process, what labels did they use.) You should be able to find sufficient information to complete this assignment by simply googling each name.

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Lois Bloom stated that the language development should be accessed through the semantic filter which J. Dore applied. The verb inflections development and the semantic of verbs are the most vital aspects. According to Lois Bloom, the early childhood sentence developments reflects during the verb auxiliary inflections. Thus, the acquisition of morphemes of grammar and language skills. Whilst according to J. Dore, the acquisition of language involves familiarizing with the abstract structures which facilitates linguistic competence. Thus, the child must learn the linguistic structures skills which will help in language development. The language development according to Lois Bloom happened through a series of semantic verbs development in early childhood words utterances whilst J. Dore believes that language development is a physiological aspect which is passed on from one generation to the other through a linguistic community. Lois Bloom theories contemplatives’ language development in children’s who are approximately below the age of 19 months. The study of language skills development…………

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