M996 200WORDS

First check out these sites for help on your answer:

1. https://www.qualitymatters.org/rubric

2. http://deprecated.mjc.edu/facultyinformation/Online_Faculty_Support/Quality_Matters.pdf

In 200 words or more this week you were asked to use the Quality Matters (QM) standards to help guide your work in completing your online Instructional Design Blueprint

  • Discuss the standards that you feel your blueprint already does a good job of meeting. Discuss the standards that your blueprint may not currently meet, but could with some adjustments.
  • Discuss the top three tips for success from experts in the field that most resonated with you. How do you envision utilizing these tips in your current or future career?





preview of the answer..

In any given environment, there is usually a set of standards that are set to ensure that people in the said industry provide quality service and products to the customers. In making of my blueprint, there are some standards that am sure I met in the making of the same. One, the blueprint met the learning objective. In the making of the blue print, I was keen to incorporate aspects taught in class in the same. It was easy doing so and so was a sign that I had understood the lessons that were taught in the classroom. In addition to that, there was no trouble in assessment and measurements in the blueprint. However, there was a problem in the incorporation of course technology aspects in the blue print which, am sure, with time, there will be an improvement in the same.

Success in a given area relies in three major aspects; ethical conduct, quality service or …

288 words APA

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