Math Discussion Response based on “The Traveling Salesperson Problem”

he Traveling Salesperson Problem (attached for reference), is a technique that has many applications in the business world. For example, it allows us to find the minimum cost of a process or procedure that involves multiple steps or stages.  A business person can use this technique to minimize the cost of air travel when visiting multiple locations. Similarly, the serving staff at a restaurant can use the technique to minimize the amount of time required to provide service to multiple groups of patrons.

Give a detailed example of where this technique can be used in your area of work or in your personal life.

My area of work is in Nursing. Would you be able to provide an example of the TSP technique with it?

Also, this is a discussion response.. Doesn’t have to be formatted in any way.. just a detailed example of the questions given.

350 words






preview of the answer..

Travelling Salesman Problem common known as TSP is a computational mathematic model that was initially used to solve the problem related to salesman that is expected to visit many cities. Majority of researcher in computational mathematics were motivated to conduct studies into the model because of the possibility of its wide range application in most optimization problems. A simple application of the concepts of TSP in nursing can be in the areas of planning, logistics and scheduling management. A scenario where a nurse can apply TSP to address planning, logistics and scheduling problems is where health care services is to provided for patients in several districts. As an employee of a home care organization that nurse …

378 words APA

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