Module 04- Punishments that Fit the Crime
Module 04- Punishments that Fit the Crime
There are ethical dilemmas looming around every corner in every office
building in New York, California and abroad. The best way to counter an
ethical dilemma is to be aware of it.
For this week’s assignment you are going to create a PowerPoint
Presentation. (For Slide 1) Identify an ethical dilemma in the business
world, (For Slide 2) Identify a consequence that could stem from the
dilemma for the involved employees and (For Slide 3) Identify the
repercussions that the company will endure.
You are required to analyze the three criteria listed above for 3 different
ethical dilemmas. This will allow your final PowerPoint presentation to
include 9 slides, or 3 for each dilemma.
Save your assignment as a Microsoft PowerPoint document.
9 slides
add title and refs slides
Answer Preview…………….
Ethical dilemmas are situations in which there is a choice that needs to be made from two options, and neither of the options will lead to resolving the situation at hand ethically in an acceptable fashion. In such a scenario, the societal and personal ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser. The ethical dilemma that many businesses encounter in this world is harassing and discriminating behavior in various organizations. Many employees generally don’t know what to do when they see their co-workers being harassed by another employee either physically, emotionally, or sexually (Andrews, 2014)……………………..
11 slides