Go to page 7 and read the section titled “Top 10 Mobile Safety Tips.”

Module 3 Mobile Device

Read the pdf document about securing mobile devices. Go to page 7 and read the section titled “Top 10 Mobile Safety Tips.” MobileeGuide_Jan2012.pdf (opens in a new window)


Document each tip. With each tip, write a brief description in your own words. Find a friend who uses a cell phone for work (or research online) to find a mobile security policy for employees. Modify the checklist to update with any additional policy statements you think are more important.


Create a thread on this discussion board with the following:

  1. Document the most important tips from the file and identify tips you use/don’t use and why.
  2. Find a checklist for employees who use mobile phones for work. Post the most important policies.
  3. Post an updated checklist by combining the document tips and your online/interview research.


Answer Preview……………..

A mobile device is typically used to socialize, listen to music, bank, shop, communicate, and take pictures. The increased popularity of the mobile device has led to an increased rate of cybersecurity. Despite vulnerable threats on our phone, 32% of people believe that there is no need for acquiring security software. Personal information can be easily compromised by different threats and like malware and spyware. It is essential to lock own mobile device with password protection………………………

APA 532 words

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