Next steps in health & medicine video

Next steps in health & medicine video

  • Watch this video as many times as you need to.

  • After watching it you should write a page and a half “Executive Memo” about the contents of the video. Add a few sentences on what you thought about the video.

The link of the video:

The name of the video: Next steps in health & medicine — where can technology take us? | Daniel Kraft | TEDxBerlin

The length of the video is 21 minutes.

Grammar and sentences structure will be graded.

Next steps in health & medicine — where can technology take us? | Daniel Kraft | TEDxBerlin

preview of the answer..

The present state of the healthcare is very old fashioned considering the fact that most of the other sectors like transport and agriculture have fully embraced and are benefitting from the technology advances. Majority of the patient prescriptions are still manual and rarely do doctors keep medical records of patients. This results in a form of system that is reactive as opposed to preventive. The doctors work from backwards when the patient is already ailing and try to treat the condition with little efforts on preventive measures. Failure to have a culture of frequent medical checkups through use of advanced and..

APA 496 words

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