Note Taking and Summary

To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks:

This assignment consists of two parts. Complete both parts.

Part 1

Refer to the Finding a Note-Taking Technique media piece on the “Note Taking” page and review the explanation of Cornell Notes.

Download and review the blank Cornell Notes template.

Use the blank note-taking sheet to summarize the main points from Dr. King’s speech as you read it. Focus on the message that Dr. King was trying to communicate to the audience that day. Be sure you complete all the sections of the template, including those for connections, questions, and summary. For reference, use the note-taking example.

Part 2

Using your notes as a resource, write a summary of the speech at the bottom of the Cornell note-taking form. Be sure to:

  • Create a systematic summary that captures all of the main points of the speech, as well as the various pieces of evidence Dr. King used to support these main ideas. Paraphrase where necessary.

In addition to the summary, reflect on the note-taking activity and address the following:

  • Document what you have learned from the note-taking activity.
  • Describe how you will use note-taking skills in other ways.

Submit the filled in note-taking template with the summary and reflection at the bottom as a one- to two-page document






preview of the answer..

Martin Luther King Jr. dream













Questions to ask.













Speech on Aug 28, 1963. A dream speech. It is about freedom.

American dream. A great nation to be. People are judged.

People are frustrated currently.

Equality in men. Slaves and slave owners.

A table of brotherhood for all. There is injustice and oppression.

A dream for freedom and justice. He had four little children. Skin color does not matter.

Alabama state is mentioned. The governor of the state. Sisters and brothers join hands. No valleys, hills and mountains. Glory of the Lord for all flesh.

He had faith for togetherness. A day to come where people do things together.

Liberty for Gods children.

For all these to happen, America should be a great nation. Freedom shall be everywhere.


When was the speech?  What was the speech about? Which country was it about?  What was the situation of the country by then?

What relationship was there between slaves and their owners and what would happen as per the dream?

What about injustice and oppression? What were people judged by at that time? What about Alabama state and the Governor?

Did Martin Luther King Jr. have faith in what he dreamt about? What was to happen if the dream came true?

Was there going to be freedom? Was America doing to be a great nation or it was a great nation if this came true?


613 words APA

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