NSG 290: Conflict Resolution ( Building a toolkit)
NSG 290: Conflict Resolution ( Building a toolkit)
Topic: NSG 290: Conflict Resolution ( Building a toolkit)
#1 Let’s put it all together and build your toolkit for conflict resolution. Name a major trigger for you that can often cause conflict in one area of your life. (Ex: You feel disregarded or left out at work when your coworkers do not communicate with you.) Discuss how it makes you feel and what type of conflict you experience.
Conflicts are triggered by many factors. The triggers can be within one self or due to environmental forces. The major trigger that causes conflict in most areas of my life is miscommunication. Miscommunication is a matrix which can be caused by so many things, the primary one being failure to communicate adequately. Communication takes place, but it is not adequate. A source of communication could be loss of information between people who are sending text messages to one another, non-verbally. Personally, I prefer verbal communication because I love expressing myself and making sure the other party heard my point really well. I also prefer talking out issues in close relationships, such as intimate and or friendships as this enhances effectiveness of the message being passed across. Miscommunication makes me angry and irritated because to me, communication is a basic need in daily life activities. This makes me experience interpersonal relationships with people – colleagues and friends.
#2 Discuss 3 strategies from ones we discussed in this course that you can use to resolve this conflict in the future and prevent the conflict from happening again.
First, I can compromise. Compromising is basically mutual agreement, where one’s desires and needs are not looked at. Sometimes, miscommunication happens due to unavoidable circumstances such as someone not having the necessary resources to communicate. These situations can make me compromise and understand. Hence, there would be no conflict.
Secondly, I can collaborate. This is by putting heads together to solve the conflict and move on.
Thirdly, I can accommodate. This is more or less of having empathy. It is to be in someone else’s shoe and try to imagine what is happening. This resolves conflicts.
#3 What is something that you will need to work on more to improve your conflict resolution skills and add to your toolbox for solving conflicts?
First, I will need to work on focusing at what exactly is the issue that led to conflict, rather than generalizing things and escalating the conflict. Once I focus, I will be able to identify specific points which are leading to the disagreement and deal with them one by one. This leads to effective listening and having an ability to contemplate matters at hand. I also need to be more positive and look at every conflict as an opportunity of growth and learning.
Format: APA
sources: 1
Pages: 1
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Spacing: Double spaced
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