one interview report, leadership, MBA
> >>> *Supplement:*
>> >>>
>> >>> Interview questions
>> >>>
>> >>> 1. When you think about times that you had good leadership, what
>> >>> specific
>> >>> leader behaviors contributed to how you performed?
>> >>>
>> >>> 2. Have you ever had a bad leadership experience? What in your
>> >>> opinion
>> >>> went wrong and how would you change it if you had the chance?
>> >>>
>> >>> 3. As a leader do you ever find yourself basing your leadership style
>> >>> off
>> >>> of the employee’s developmental (maturity) level? Do you feel that
>> >>> this
>> >>> is
>> >>> an effective way to lead?
>> >>>
>> >>> 4. Do you feel that your leadership style changes depending on the
>> >>> situation that you/ your employee are in?
>> >>>
>> >>> 5. Some employees might lose commitment working for the company for
>> >>> longer
>> >>> time. What would you do to keep the employee motivated?
>> >>>
>> >>> 6. Once you see that employee has been working for the company for
>> >>> longer
>> >>> time and has proven himself that he doesn’t need directing and
>> >>> motivating
>> >>> anymore, would you still supervise him or delegate him to be an
>> >>> example
>> >>> for
>> >>> others?
preview of the answer..
- When you think about times that you had good leadership, what specific leader behaviors contributed to how you performed?
At one of my previous job capacities I came across a individual who apparently considered more as my mentor more than my boss although he was technically my boss. This was attributed to the traits he exhibited in his leadership capacity such as good communication skills, charismatic and above all he was open-minded a factor that highly encouraged employees to air their views. Through this I learnt that a leader needs to learn to work as a team, a factor that I employed in my leadership style and has brewed positive results …
643 words APA