organise personal work

organise personal work

Organize personal work priorities and development
1) Think about the skill you need to develop to complete your work practices.
a. Set yourself 4 personal goals. Ensure one goal supports the implementation of legistlation and compliance. In the format provided on figure1.4, write down your goal, what you want to achive and the time frame, any resource may you need..(20 marks)
b. List 5 factors that may affect the achievement of your goals?( 5 marks)
2) Use the SMART formula to self-access your goal related to legislation and compliance from Q.1( 5 marks)
3) How could you routinely identify and report quality concerns regarding organizational requirements?( 4 marks)
4) Research one professional development opportunity to develop your work practice
a. Provide the details of the training.
b. who could you liase with to determine if the training is relevant to your skill development?
c. What are two way you can incorporate formal and informal feedback to further develop your training needs.

preview of the answer..

The skill I need to develop to complete your work practices
I believe that most important skill I need to complete my work practices is planning and organizing. Through this skill, I believe I will be in a position to plan and organize what am needed to do at my workplace, hence able to achieve my targets.

APA 866 words

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