Personality Development

Personality Development

Please answer each question with 160 words each 12 font times roman, double spaced, citations and references

ESSAY QUESTIONS:  (Make sure you utilize examples everywhere you can.)

Chapter 4 – Socialization

1.  discuss in detail, Cooley’s “Looking Glass Self”.

2.   discuss Mead’s “3 Stages in Taking the Role of Self”.

3.  explain in detail the concept of Gender Socialization.  Also discuss in detail, how the “5 Agents of Socialization”  affect gender.

4.   discuss and summarize the each of the socialization stages of the “life course”.

Chapter 5 – Social Structure and Social Interaction

1.  explain what social structure is and why it is important.  Using a personal example, discuss how social structure can be seen and how social structure influences people’s lives.

2.  Using yourself as an example, distinguish between social status, status set, multiple statuses, master status, status symbols, ascribed and achieved status.

3.  Summarize the functionalist perspective on social institutions.

4.  Discuss the concepts of roles, dramaturgy, stages, sign-vehicles, role performance, role strain and role conflict.

Chapter 6 – Deviance and Social Control

1.  define deviance in detail and explain why it is relative.  Explain why norms and sanctions are important for social life to exist.

2.   discuss in detail “Cultural Transmission and Differential  Association” theory.

3.  discuss in detail “Control Theory” and the Techniques of Neutralization.

4.  discuss in detail “Labeling Theory” of deviance.

5.  discuss in detail “Strain Theory” of Deviance.



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Cooley’s “Looking Glass Self”

            This theory states that a person grows up to be what he thinks others perceive him to be. Through interactions within the society a person will know what perceptions others have about him and this influences the thoughts of that person. A person will shape his life and his self concept with other people’s perceptions in his mind. We gain our identity through the perception of others and the message these people send to us will determine what we are, (Saracho, 2007). If a person is brought up in an environment where he is treated as an outcast or bullied, that person will grow having a low self esteem and in front of others he will always feel inferior. Therefore the message that others send to us from the tender age determines what we become in future. Close people in our lives act as mirrors where we can look at and see a good or bad picture about us…………………….

WORD COUNT:2469 Words


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