Philosophy of nursing

Philosophy of nursing

This 1800 word assignment is to be written and presented in three parts:
Part 1-appraisal paper 1;
Part 2-appraisal paper 2; and
Part 3-justification of strongest evidence related to scenario.

Headings are permitted for this task. Students should use APA style to cite all references within the body of their essay and in the reference list

You are required to appraise the quality of each article/paper (i.e. type of evidence, location on an evidence hierarchy, level of evidence, strengths and weaknesses).
You are required to identify and justify the article that provides the strongest evidence related to the scenario.

Task 3 – EVALUATING the usefulness of evidence
Mariana is a first year health sciences student at an Australian university. As a single mother with an 18 month old daughter, she is concerned she might find it difficult to mix with other students as her priorities will be different. She had a difficult childbirth and her daughter suffers from severe asthma. When Mariana is at university her daughter attends the local child care centre. Mariana herself suffers from diabetes and a rare blood disorder. Mariana has limited family support and lives in a small unit a bus ride away from the university.
You know that you must appraise the quality of each paper and you would like to know which of the two papers provided is most relevant to Mariana regarding stress reduction and mood improvement.

Paper 1.
von Haaren, B., Haertel, S., Stumpp, J., Hey, S., & Ebner-Priemer, U. (2015). Reduced emotional stress reactivity to a real-life academic examination stressor in students participating in a 20-week aerobic exercise training: A randomised controlled trial using Ambulatory Assessment. Psychology Of Sport & Exercise, 20, 67-75.

Paper 2.
Kim, J., Yang, H., & Schroeppel, S. (2013). A Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Kouk Sun Do on University Students with Anxiety Symptoms. Stress & Health: Journal Of The International Society For The Investigation Of Stress, 29(2), 99-107.

Answer preview

Theories in nursing are important because they help in development of various concepts which have been used for a very long time and are still important to us today. The health care sector needs these concepts because they determine the quality of services offered to patients in the hospitals and other health care centers such as clinics and in case of first aid at home or at work, (Geyer, Mogotlane, Young, Juta and Company, 2009). In this paper I will focus on the contribution of theories in nursing because they have been important when it comes to shaping this field into what we have today……………

Word count :404 Words


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