pick a particular topic/issue relevant to organizational communication

pick a particular topic/issue relevant to organizational communication

You will pick a particular topic/issue relevant to organizational communication (i.e. feedback processes, communication networks, employee motivation/retention, globalization, social media influence, conflict management, etc….etc…) There are many options/topics available.

[The topic you will write about is: Cross-cultural communication in the organization.]

You will produce short literature review (MLA, 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing, 3-4 pgs.) in which your will cover, cite, and explain the work/theories of scholars in the particular area you have chosen. Please make sure it is not complecated for audience in different field to read and understand. I have attached several articles that I found, please take a look whether you want to use it or not. Please fell free to find other articles if these are not suitable. Thank you. (MLA, 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing, 3-4 pgs.)

Requirements: (MLA, 12 pt. font, 1.5 line spacing, 3-4 pgs.)


The topic you will write about is: Cross-cultural communication in the organization.

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