Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher, a Socrates student, with many theories that contribute in one way or another to the fundamentals of sound economic


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The topic will be about “Plato”

From 2 to 4 pages

Just a reminder the professor mentioned that she want it as introduction, 3 body paragraph and conclusions

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            Plato is an ancient Greek philosopher, a Socrates student, with many theories that contribute in one way or another to the fundamentals of sound economic, social, and political aspects of humanity. In some instances, some of his works came under heavy criticism for a purported rigid nature of Plato. However, readers fail to establish the fact that Plato is not rigid but instead shows a will for the betterment of the world by firstly proposing basic life concepts of achieving the highest good. Secondly, Plato Philosophical theories provide open dialogue platforms for readers where they are allowed to think about these life concepts from different……………….

APA 877 words

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