Briefly describe the scene in Plato’s Apology.

Plato’s Apology

Write a 3-5 page, double spaced essay addressing one of the following topics:

Essay Choice A

1) Briefly describe the scene in Plato’s Apology.

2) What are the charges against Socrates?(Hint: there are 2)

3) How does Socrates defend himself against the charges? In other words, how does he explain or defend himself?

4) Do you think Socrates was successful in proving his innocence? Why or why not?

Essay Choice B

1) Describe Descartes’ project of doubt. Why is he embarking on these meditations?

2) Describe the arguments he uses to show why we cannot trust our knowledge.

3) Next, explain the point he is trying to make with the example of the wax.

4) Finally, what is the one indubitable truth that he discovers as a result of this process?

Answer preview………………..



            Socrates is among one of the greatest philosophers to have existed, with his intellectual prowess as well as a moral gadfly. He is even credited with the invention of western philosophy as he was a great philosopher. Despite all these, he did not leave any written works and what we know of him is written by his students. Plato was one of the greatest students who chose to follow Socrates. What is known of Socrates is mainly the right the works of Plato as he wrote down his adventures and deeds up to his death. One of the major works that Plato wrote…………….

APA 1281 words

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