Plato’s dialogues: Euthyphro or Meno

Plato’s dialogues: Euthyphro or Meno

Choose one of Plato’s dialogues: Euthyphro or Meno, select the most relevant part and post a comment. The length between 90 to 150 words. use a bibliographic in text citation and the respective bibliography.

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Plato’s Dialogues

The dialogue by Plato that I identified for this essay is Meno. The dialogue is one of the most influential by Plato and attempts to define virtue and its relevance to human nature. The dialogue uses Socrates who was Plato’s mentor to assess the meaning of the virtue and what perceived elements do not make up virtue. The most relevant part of the dialogue is where Meno states that Gorgias offers an assertion that virtue is different from one person to another. With this in mind, there is an indication that virtue is not similar for all people in society. What one individual considers to be virtuous may not be considered to be so by another individual (Plato,…………

APA 194 words

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