play the role as “Theodore Roosevelt”
You should post an essay between 1,000 to 1,500 words.
In this essay you should assess and answer the following questions:
1) Why, in contrast to Europe, did the United States never see the development of a powerful socialist or labor party?
2) Why didn’t socialism take root in the United States( or did it)?this essay of the role play character should be “Theodore Roosevelt”
you should play the role as “Theodore Roosevelt”let me send the introduction to you
PART I: ROLE PLAY – A Gilded Age Debate.
You will be assigned the role of an important historical figure from this era. Check the list below to find your assigned role. (You may request a role if they have not been assigned).
You should begin by reading the information provided at the links for your character. Click on your character’s name as well as on the numbers following the character’s name. Each of these is a link that will provide you information about your character. Also read as many of the linked documents as you are able about the other characters.
After you have found your assigned role, you should post to the group discussion a description of your character. Give a brief summary of who you are and why you are an important historical figure in this era.
Then begin discussing the following questions:
1) What is the appropriate role of the corporations, the unions and government in a democratic republic?
2) Should there be any limits placed on the abilities of corporations to operate in the marketplace?
3) What regulatory functions and responsibilities should government have?
4) Do workers have rights to organize and form “combinations” or unions to advance their interests? If so, what limits are to be placed on their actions?
5) Should bloodless/lifeless corporations be accorded the rights of a person or a citizen?
6) Should there be any limitations on wealth and its use in a “democratic” society?
7) What is the proper function of government in the struggle between the interests of labor and capital?
As in any other discussion, reply to any responses to your statements. Try to discuss “in character,” that is as the person you are portraying. When you are making personal arguments as yourself be sure to indicate this. Remember to always identify your character in your posts (because the system will bring them up by your actual name) i.e., as Theodore Roosevelt or Eugene Debs.
Remember, step one in this project requires you to make an initial statement in character about yourself and then about these questions, but you should also engage in discussion with the other characters. Your discussions would be improved by reading some of the resource documents to which you can link.
CHARACTERS AND LINKS: Find your role here. (Click on the name and numbers for links. Links are in blue or underlined).
“What is the chief end of man?–to get rich. In what way?–dishonestly if we can; honestly if we must.”
Preview of the answer..
Lack of socialists and labor parties in the United States can be attributed to the following factors according to sociologists who had explained America in terms o f dissimilar from those of Tocqueville. Frenchmen tried to explain this phenomenon in the sense that, United States is exceptionally quantitatively different in its organizing principles, political and religious institutions from those of Europe. The factors that contributed towards this conclusions that, America has relatively high level of social egalitarianism..
APA 408 words