read each article and describe all relevant information; for instance, the factual elements, strategic issues and generally what the topic is about

Please read the two article and write analysis one page for each article

read each article and describe all relevant information; for instance, the factual elements, strategic issues and generally what the topic is about. write a conclusion paragraph telling the main thing you take away from the article.

Each article should be separated in its own file. don’t combined the two articles on one assignment.

Each assignment should be 1 or 2 paper long.


Answer Preview……………..

The article “Strong Dollar Forces Factories to Lose Flab” explains that the rising value of the dollar has had a great impact on the local companies following the increased cost of production. Initially, when the dollar was still struggling, the manufactures had high chances of producing effectively with the local materials. But since 2014, most of them have been making some efforts to acquire some of their raw materials offshore. This will have a great impact on the…………………..

APA 641 words


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