Preparation for Generating a Policy Proposal
> Although some states and cities have passed laws to ban texting and using
> handheld phones while driving, there is no current law to ban all cell
> phone use while driving. However, according to the National Safety Council
> (2009), 28 percent of all crashes–1.6 million per year–are caused by cell
> phone use and texting by drivers. The mission of a new national nonprofit
> organization called FocusDriven, patterned after Mothers Against Drunk
> Driving, is to make phone use while driving as illegal and socially
> unacceptable as drunk driving. US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood
> supports FocusDriven and its efforts.
> According to the *Pittsburgh Post-Gazette*, LaHood said that this movement
> would become “an army of people traveling the countryside” to push for bans
> on cell-phone use and tough enforcement (Schmitz, 2010). As a political
> advocate interested in this issue, you will be writing a policy proposal
> that utilizes the current research to propose a solution to the issue and
> submitting it in *Module 5*.
> *Annotated Bibliography: Effect of Cell Phone Use *
> Before you can write this proposal research, you will need to conduct
> initial research on the science behind this initiative. For this
> assignment, use the Argosy University online library resources to locate
> research reports from peer-reviewed journals that discuss the effects of
> cell phone use on vision, attention, perception, or memory. In selecting at
> least five research reports from peer-reviewed journals relevant to the
> topic, make sure they address one or more of the following issues:
> – How do texting, handheld phones, and hands-free phones compare with
> each other in their effects on driving?
> – How do other, traditional distractions compare to cell phone use in
> their effects on driving (such as eating, attending to children, talking
> to
> passengers, listening to music/news, etc.)?
> – Can cell phone use while driving be compared with drunk driving? Why
> or why not?
> – What other variables (such as age) can affect driving while using a
> cell phone?
> Based on your reading of the five articles, create an annotated
> bibliography for each of the five sources. Each annotation should consist
> of the APA reference entry followed by a paragraph-long summary of the
> articles. In your summary, provide answers for the questions below. For the
> last question, think about how the research results could be generalized to
> fit other environments or not be generalized.
> – Summarize the main ideas in the reference. What were they
> investigating?
> – How were the studies conducted? What was the sample size? Is it
> appropriate?
> – Were the studies conducted in the real world or was a simulated
> environment used?
> – How might these methodological considerations affect the research
> findings and the conclusions drawn from them? How does this article fit
> in
> with your paper? How did it influence your own ideas about your paper?
> Your annotated bibliography should be at 3-4 pages in length.
> Be sure to include a title page and reference page listing your articles.
> Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.