research the protections afforded to whistleblowers from a healthcare perspective

Protection for Healthcare Whistleblowers

Format: APA

sources: 5

Pages: 3

Spacing: Double spaced

Topic: ethics

Details: In this 3 pages Microsoft Word based assignment, research the protections afforded to whistleblowers from a healthcare perspective. Be sure to address qui tam legislation and to also include an analysis of the protections afforded by OSHA. You will find a link with the files for both in the weekly readings.

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Whistleblowing refers to disclosure by an insider of an organization (contractors, employees, board members, volunteers) of the immoral, illegal or illegitimate actions of their employers in a working relationship (White, 2012). Complaints from customers, clients or journalists are not considered whistleblowing because the threshold of having inside information is not met. One of the protections afforded to whistleblowers in healthcare is protection against retaliation. An employer is not allowed to fire,lay off, deny promotion or overtime, demote or reduce pay for the reason that an employee has risen concern over the illegal activities of their…………….

APA 960 words

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