Make the notes about the words

Make the notes about the words


Make the notes about the words and I will give you the textbook link and some class pdf

Textbooks (Free!) :

OS : OpenStax Psychology :[email protected]:F_mjYFfh@22

PSP : Principles of Social Psychology :



Answer Preview……….

Introduction to social psychology. Social science. Prediction (validity & error) and control. Prediction involves the process of testing a group of questions for a certain hypothesis, and then making a comparison with all the results registered in the future. The ABCs. The ABCs is used in social psychology to represent the affective, behavioral, and cognitive constituents of the self. Affective relates to the feelings that people develops in their day to day activities. They include feeling of joy, sadness, embarrassment and pride among others (Amabile, 2018). Social Behavior relates to how persons interact with each other in their daily activities. Cognitive aspect of self relates to the thoughts that people develop towards themselves and how they present themselves to others to portray a positive image. Positivism, post-positivism, social constructivism. Positivism is an approach that help people to study the society and make use of the experiments and statistics among other scientific evidence to explore and give facts about the performance and functioning of a society……..

APA 976 words

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