Public safety organization

1- Select a public safety organization from Connecticut Risk Management plan who the department or agency is ? when last updated ? what you consider to be its strengths/ like most ? weaknesses/ missing/dislike ? plz send me there risk management programs so i can hand it in with my HW.

he did everything except he didn’t send me the ‘RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN’ for the organization that he wrote about it. So, he must send me the Risk Management Plan for that organization because its part of my Homework.





preview of the answer..

The CIRMA organization is an organization that is aimed at helping the people of Connecticut manage risks. As such, it is an insurance company whose main centre of focus are the public utilities in the district. It achieves its objective by following a management plan. The plan involves:

Education of the masses in the importance of insurance. Here, the people are taught on why it is important to manage their risks through anticipation of problems. As …

236 words APA





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