question 2
question 2
write in 4 paragraphs
Q :
What is religion? What is a riot? Compare and contrast the role that religion played in the Philadelphia Bible Riots of 1844 and the Columbia Avenue Riots of 1964. In considering the social and cultural realities of Philadelphia today, would you expect similar riots to break out in the city sometime over the next fifty or so years? Why or why not? In articulating your response, please draw upon concrete examples from any four articles or book chapters that we have read during the second half of the semester (one or two may be replaced by reference to a video or lecture).
preview of the answer..
From Latin point of view, religion is the respect accorded to things that are sacred. Here, people have moral obligation to respect and fear things believed to be sacred. Over time, different scholars have had different views on religion. For instance, Karl Marx (1818-1933) argued that religion is simply the sigh of creatures under oppression, the soul of the soulless and the heart of a heartless world. In simple terms Karl Marx described religion as the opium of the ..
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