What is a corporate sustainability strategy and have your senior leaders provided one for your organization?


1. What is a corporate sustainability strategy and have your senior leaders provided one for your organization?


13 Key Leadership Characteristics

1. Confident 7. Nurturing to others

2. intuitive, creative, and visionary 8. Determined to win and win together

3. Provocative 9. Spiritual with strong values

4. Good at Listening 10. Tenacious

5. Genuine and trusted 11. Possessing a high level of urgency

6. Courageous 12. Pragmatic and disciplined in approach

13. Humble

2. Which of the 13 characteristics do you believe you are in need of developing to a greater extent, and why? And, if it is important enough to you, what will you actually do so that in 12-months from today, you are actually better in that area


3. Does your organization have a formal employee succession plan to identify and develop talented employees as part of its corporate sustainability program?

And, do you have your own set plan to develop your career or do you just wing-it hoping for the best?


1 Question per page/ references required for each question

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Question 1

A corporate sustainability strategy is an approach in management that is used to set various goals and targets that are supposed to be accomplished by the company in line with creating sustainability for each of the stakeholders in the company (Brockett, & Rezaee, 2013). Such a strategy unlike the common business strategy focuses on the cultural, environmental, ethical, and social dimensions within the organization and in the market. In the recent past, there have been many calls for corporations to ensure that their operations are sustainable and do not harm the society or the environment. Such a drive or strategy is solely aimed at creating……………………

APA 943 words

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