Reflection of ESCI
Reflection of ESCI
Write an essay that reflects on the land use proposals activitywe did in class. Make sure to address the following: If it were up to you, and you alone, what would be the best use of the land in question? Feel free to modify any of the proposals to suit your views or come up with a brand new proposal. Make sure to provide the reasoning behind your choice. As with the first essay, note that your work should read like an essay, not bullet points or just listing of answers to the guiding questions given above. The originality of your essay will be checked by turnitin. You cannot submit a work you wrote previously or a work written by someone else.There is a minimum of 2double spaced pages required for this assignment.
Answer Preview…………….
The land is a very important property. Therefore, when one gets a piece, it is important to put it to reasonable as well as profitable use not only for them but also the society in general. It is important to use land in ways that are the least harmful to the land and the general environment and also ensure to utilize its full potential. Therefore, if it were up to me and me alone, I would………………
APA 566 words