Reflection Paper

Reflection Paper

Paper Instructions
Reflection Assignment – Detailed Explanation and Rubric
Outline of sections/content:
Please provide detailed information about the value of interdisciplinary study to your major concentration and career development.
Summarize course work relevant to degree
Think back on your courses and identify those that were most relevant to your major concentration. These aren’t necessarily the courses that appear on the list of requirements; in fact, you might have had a really interesting Integrative Studies course (like IAH or ISP) that had strong applications to your major.
Students should also think about how these courses could be grouped together. For example, perhaps in different semesters you took Professor Bhavnani’s PLS422 on Rwanda and Dr. Achebe’s HST421 on Women & Gender in Africa. After completing them, you might have noticed common themes—perhaps you could discuss those together in your description of course work to highlight their commonalities.
You must include descriptions of at least 3 relevant courses to your major concentration. Why were these classes valuable to you? What did you learn in these classes that has prepared you for your career? What experiences in these classes have left a lasting impact on your professional or personal development? More than 3 classes can be included if more are relevant.
In addition to the previous classes being described, you must also add a paragraph explaining how the material you’ve learned in this SSC 499 course applies to your major concentration (Community Governance & Advocacy, Health & Society, Human Capital & Society, International Studies). For some of you, the linkages might be obvious, but others may have to think more intentionally about how the material relates to your focus.
All in all, you should describe a minimum of 4 classes for full credit.

The 4 courses I want you to cover and their descriptions and something I learned from them.

PLS 200-Introduction to Political Science
-The science of politics. Theory construction, model building, empirical testing, and inductive inference. Examples from American, international and comparative politics.
-What I learned the most about was how polls were taking and the science of collecting data

PLS 372- Modern Political Philosophy
– Major themes of modern political philosophy as represented by such thinkers as Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, Marx, and Nietzsche.
-What I learned from this class was to find a deeper meaning into my political thought. I find a foundation for which to formulate my political leanings.

SSC299- Integration of Social Science Perspectives
– Multidisciplinary study. Integration of social science perspectives and policy issues.
-What I learned was how to think through an interdisciplinary framework and look at problems from different perspectives.

SSC499- Capstone in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science
– Integration and application of interdisciplinary methods, models and theories in social science.
-The most impactful thing I learned was about health insurance coverage in the United States and the issues with providing coverage for everyone.

preview of the answer..

Interdisciplinary study is a crucial aspect for the enhancement of centralizing on my career development. For instance, the PLS 200-Introduction to Political Science and PLS 372- Modern Political Philosophy share vast commonalities on the political history of the country thus both are significant. During my PLS 200-Introduction to Political Science class, I was able to learn a lot about how polls are conducted and the scientific collection of data. Through this, my ..

APA 968 words

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