reflection paper

reflection paper

Instructions: Write a reflection paper that critically examines a philosophical issue taken from the context of your life. You may choose the topic for your reflection and relate it to any of our sections from class: Introduction to Philosophy, Epistemology, Social-Political Philosophy.Your paper must reference material from at least 2 authors Billie Holiday and Nina Simone material, and 2 authors such as Descartes & Hume, Locke, Russel and James, Rorty and Dennett reads in Pojman. You may use Powerpoints, class notes, and class discussions for review. You must also submit an electronic version of your paper in addition to bringing a printed copy to class on November 15. Do both to earn full points for the assignment.

preview of the answer..

For a long time, I have had a keen interest in the intricacies and workings of society, social and political dynamics and their influence on individuals and society in general. Having a sound understanding of society, I believe, is a major factor in understanding and overcoming social and political problems. This is the reason why I got interested in the study of philosophy as a discipline. Philosophy is crucial to my understanding of how and why individuals and societies are the way they are. Philosophy is a discipline of science that deals with the study of general and fundamental issues that are in the realm of knowledge, existence, values, mind, reason and language (Flewelling 15). It is my hope that the study of philosophy, particularly the field of social-political philosophy..

APA 1325 words

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