Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

  • Pages
    0 pages (0 words)Double spaced
  • PowerPoint slides
  • Type of paper
    Presentation/PPTUndergraduate (yrs. 3-4)
  • Discipline
  • Title
    Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting
  • Sources to be cited
  • Paper format

Paper instructions


Use this order for the Assignment:

Title Page: 1 slide (will complete myself)
Introduction paragraph and purpose statement: 1 slide (will complete myself)
PPT Presentation: 9- to 10-slide
Conclusion: 1 slide (will complete myself)
Use APA format including for the title page, references in text, and reference list. In the introductory paragraph, state the purpose of the paper in the last sentence.

The purpose of the paper must be stated in one concise statement and is specific to the assignment. As stated on the Week 6 Assignment rubric: Speaker notes are included on every slide and are used to explain and elaborate the significant points on each slide.

The requirements for Assignment include:

Develop a 9- to 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

Answer preview……………………

ØBoard of nursing are state specialty organizations with the responsibility to provide regulatory efforts of healthcare reforms and professional practice among nurses including:

  • Development of nursing licensure examination.
  • Ensuring safe competent care by nurses (Halstead).

Ø Professional Nurses associations are nursing organizations through which nursing professions influence healthcare policies, represent interest of nurses, advocate for high quality public care, and provide further educational opportunities for member nurses ( Rous &Halstead)……………

13 slides

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