Research on the Earnings of Lawyers

Research on the Earnings of Lawyers


please do option one,

The occupation in lawyer.

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Introduction. Pursuing a profession in the field of law has been prestigious throughout the history of the United States and across the globe. This is because lawyers are believed to intelligent persons because of their ability to understand, interpret, and use the law to sort legal problems, which range from criminal trials to corporate mergers, labor relations, and divorce disputes. Therefore, many persons dream of becoming lawyers at certain points in their lives. However, very few persons get the opportunity to become professions in the field due to the numerous academic demands. Consequently, most persons are unable to persevere through the struggles that persons have to go through to become lawyers. Thus, most persons who enroll for courses in this field are driven by passion. Nonetheless, others are motivated by the salaries they are likely to earn once they complete their courses. Nevertheless, it is imperative to understand that a person’s income in this profession is determined by his or her ability to win cases. Therefore getting good grades alone does not guarantee individuals higher income in the future. Instead, law students are required to learn how to argue their cases based on the provisions of legal statutes. At the same time, a person’s income is influenced significantly by various factors, namely years of practice and the state where the individual is practicing law. Accordingly, persons graduating from law school should not expect to become millionaires once they begin practicing law, but should be patient and gather more experience and skills before they can begin to charge high prices for their services……………………..

APA 1765 words
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